business Bay CrossFit is one of many Crossfit boxes in Dubai, so when choosing your new fitness home, why would you come to BBCF?

Business Bay CrossFit is likely the smallest CrossFit box in all of Dubai, dare we say the world. This allows us to keep our classes small and intimate, ensuring that everyone is always looked after, enabling our community to grow closely together.

Coach Adrian knows how to scale athletes of all abilities. Classes are deliberately small so that everyone gets attention. A tough and well run box with a nice community vibe! Recommended.
— Gavin F


We take a great deal of pride in our beginner’s program. Coach Ades is an exceptionally talented coach when it comes to breaking things down to the most simple and comprehensive version possible.

His patience is bulletproof, the man literally does not lose his cool. So, if you’re new to CrossFit, or new to exercise in general, we would put our hand on our heart and tell you that with us, you will be happy and you will be safe. You will be paid the utmost attention and you will grow more than you have ever allowed yourself to believe you can.

Never a dull moment at Business Bay CrossFit, always helping us to get better and stronger! Best coaching ever!
— Rose F

THE Crossfitter

We also have an excellent program for our experienced CrossFitter. Whether it’s the big lifts or the big moves the programming is broad, general and inclusive to develop athletes in all aspects of fitness.

‘The sport of fitness’ creates camaraderie, competition, fun and intensity that cannot be matched by other means.

Awesome Coach, awesome environment!
— Stefano M